in a relationship that is going nowhere? No kids?
But you don't want to hurt her feelings?
Are you just not compatible, but she thinks you are?
You want out, but feel trapped in a commitment?
You're interested in other women, but she is so devoted to you?
You don't want her to possibly commit suicide over you?
Which Approach you use, depends on the girl.
If you can't dump her, here are tips and techniques to get her to dump
There are many seminars and videos to get girls, by such as pick up artists as Eric Weber, Lance Mason, Robert Downey, and David DeAngelo.
This is a web site with tips to help guys get out of bad relationships, called
Eventually, many Pick Up artists will want to be Dropped Down artists, experts
in the Art of Getting Dropped.
Don't just leave her,
never show up, and assume she will get over you. Sadly, in the
Charles Dickens novel
Great Expectations, Miss Havisham sat in her wedding dress for many years,
expecting her groom to take her to the wedding any day. Sad.
It is much better for your conscience and karma when she has great expectations of getting rid of you, and moving on to a better man.
Women are different. Relationships are different. If the women already is not interested, you can simply say "good bye" and leave without guilty feelings. But if she is still interested in you, and co-dependent, then this is the kindest way to let her down easy. The point is to make it seem like splitting up is her idea.
Then you can move on to other women without worrying about finding your pet
rabbit on the stove. You can turn "Fatal Attraction" into "Life-giving
Repulsion". Instead of trying to be cool with women, be uncool with
her. You can get your life back, without concern that she might
even take
her own life.
Losing a guy as great as you can be hard on any girl. Life without you might even cause her to commit suicide. She may say "I can't live without you, Darling", etc. So have a heart. Convince her that she does not want to live with you, and can find a better man.
Iron Man's power
comes from his heart through his Repulsor Rays.
Use the following Repulsor Ways to save the girl's heart ache, and make her
repulsed by you.
For the fortunate few, the key success in the Art of Repulsion is to just be
But what if you are not so gifted?
The inspiration for this web site came from a personal relationship I had, with one of my wives. Things just weren't working out. She was a bright and beautiful lady. But we had different priorities in life. She was so in to her career during her 20's and 30's, but was putting on weight. Then, at almost 40, she wanted kids. Some evolutionary instinct inside men tells us there is too much chance for birth defects, so we lose interest.
"Cold Turkey" didn't work. I stopped talking to her. She
became more insistent. I moved to a house 1000 miles away, and did
not respond. Her calls, emails, and texts only increased.
It broke her heart, and made her even more obsessed. I filed for divorce long
distance. She flew out and showed up on my doorstep at night, when I was in bed with a
new woman, ruining my relationship with her too. I once loved
my wife and naturally felt
so sorry for her. Why wouldn't she get the message? Cold Turkey was
clearly not working. Then I had an inspiration -
maybe doing the opposite will work!
"Scold Turkey" works. The idea is for the lady to consider
you such a
turkey that she scolds you and tells you to move out. Be the Turkey
that she Scolds. Then you are well on your way to Thanks giving when she
leaves. The point of a covert Scold Turkey Operation is to let her down easily.
Let the girl be the "Dumper", and the man be the "Dumpee".
So instead of sighing and feeling heart break, she feels a sigh of relief at
your break up.
With a bit of transcending of your ego, you can enjoy knowing she has peace of heart and mind. She will feel more confident as the
Dumper, but depressed to be the Dumpee. If she feels confident, she is
more likely to get another man to take her off your hands.
The psychological principle is: Women want what they can't have, and don't want what they can have.
So instead of being the man she wants but cannot have. Be the man she can have but doesn't want!
Scold Turkey Ops eventually got her to detach from me, but definitely resulted in a lot of scolding. So be prepared. It may take meditation, going out for walks, and an ego of steel to endure it. You may feel like she is a Marine Drill Instructor at Boot Camp. But if she calls you a Turkey, that means it is working!
Basically, do the opposite of what women want men to do. We are taught to be a good provider. Start being a goof off. You may find that these tips are easy, effortless, and natural. It is much easier than trying to impress or please a woman.
* Show her you are incompatible, with a Love
Cards or Astrology Compatibility reading.
Adjust your birth day and time so that you are incompatible
(unless she already knows it).
Women make a lot of decisions based on the Zodiac.
Many women ask "What is your sign?"
* Go for days without shaving, showering, or brushing teeth (turns her
* Offer to take her to events that you enjoy, but she finds to be boring
"Hey let's go to
the Microsoft Access Users Group meeting!" or
"I hear diamonds are a girl's best friend. Let's go to
a baseball diamond!"
"Let's go hear Dr. John Hagelin talk about the Unified Field
of Physics."
* Be sloppy, don't wash dishes, forget to flush, and leave your clothes
around. (women like cleanliness)
* Sit on the couch, drink beer, and watch sports (this bores women)
* Never take her out. Suggest an evening at home watching ESPN,
football, baseball, or basketball. Or golf!
* If you snore (Nature's way of getting rid of women) don't use any anti-snoring
mouth guards or devices. Or fake it.
In Gone
With The Wind: Rhett Butler hurt Scarlett O'Hara with
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."
This wrong approach needlessly broke her heart.
He could have used the "Gone With The Wind technique".
Break wind and she will leave with no broken heart.
Eat Mexican food. Then at night when the gas starts to come,
don't get out
of bed to leave the room. Just let it rip.
Pretend you are asleep.
Or you can use the
Gone with
the Wind phone app
available for free on
a video with a variety of handy fart noises
on your phone
in your pocket.
she stays, then you have a real problem.
Go to the next suggestion.
* Sleep until noon, on the couch, especially as she is working on her computer
(Women want a go-getter)
* Tell her you want her to be the primary "bread winner".
* If you have no job, whine to her that "there are no jobs for me"
(She wants someone to provide for her,
especially during child raising.)
* If you have a job, whine about it, and say you are about to lose your job. (Women like stability.)
* Extol the qualities of Walmart clothes. Dress like a dork.
are in to fashion, and won't want her friends to see you.)
* Wear the wrong colored socks, with sneakers, and see nothing wrong with it.
(She'll think you're clueless)
* Do your best imitation of Gomer or Goober Pyle (or someone goofy)
* Let her drive the car, as you file your nails (She would prefer you be
in control)
* Give the restaurant waiter an expired credit card, and when he comes back,
the girl to save the day
(Women expect the guy to pay and be financially strong.)
She will think "What a loser" (as you are really the winner).
* Learn to smoke, if she is a non-smoker (This can turn her off)
* Eat meat, if she is vegetarian. Or don't eat meat if she is a carnivore.
* If she does not like GMO food, tell her how much you love Monsanto food.
* If she asks you to lift something heavy, or open a jar,
pretend to try but don't be able to. (She wants a strong
Suggest that another man do it.
* Get some green lettuce stuck in your teeth, smile, and ask for a kiss
* Be a "sensitive guy who is just not making it" (She wants a
strong, manly
* Talk about things that interest men but bore most hot women: computers, Star Trek, and how 9/11 was an inside job.
* Tell her "you always have me." Let her take you for granted. Be no challenge.
If she is Democrat, be for the Republican candidates.
If she is Republican, be for the Democrat candidates.
Tell her lies that she can find out.
(Truth is very important for relationships.)
If you are a Salesman, tell her you are a Secret Agent.
If you are really a Secret Agent, tell her you are a
(as Arnold Schwarzenegger told Jamie Lee
* During your ST Op it is very important to never let her see your emails, texts, or interest with other women. Otherwise her competitive instincts get aroused. Take extra care to lock your computer and mobile phone so she cannot read them.
* If you give her some flowers, just give a cheap carnation, with a note saying "Please don't leave me." (appearing needy is a turn off)
* S
her "dick pics" by phone. Many guys think this turns women on, but it
turns them off. She will think you are clueless and disgusting.
A 2020 study found that only 7.5% women like it. 50% were
disgusted and 46% felt disrespected. So 92.5% will not like it.
* If she starts to kick you out, beg her to keep you. Needy-ness always turns women off. You're almost free!
Or, swing the opposite way...
If your attached girl thinks you have gone queer, then she may let go. Women who want kids will not want a queer guy. You can have a hilarious time with this. If you know a guy she knows is queer, you can let her see you guys together. Start talking with a lisp, and talk about the "lovely guys" around, so she suspects you are turning into a queer. (She wants a real man.)
Go to visit the attached girl soon after taking a cold shower - or having sex with another girl, so that you cannot get aroused. The attached girl will not be so attached. Go right off to sleep, saying "Well, I'm not so young any more".
Talk about her mother as "hot" and how you would like to go out with her. If she is good looking, this should work. It will weird her out. There is a response built into her innate DNA that triggered great repulsion about this. Scientists may have an evolutionary explanation.
or another
Say the name of another girl she knows you like while you are kissing or
making love. .
Women naturally want a good provider for a home for herself and her children. So this makes her think you are a loser. The older you are, the better this works.
Kim Bassinger said in the Batman movie "I like bats." But
that was just a movie. Real girls hate bats, and freak out. You
could put a toy bat in your house, and she will go bat sh*t. Run out of
the home with her, act scared, and she will think you are a pussy. Ask her
to be BatGirl and get rid of it. This could also
work with toy mice, or plastic spiders. Or if you are lucky, real ones.
is rather extreme if you can do it with a straight face. Pretend you are perverted and
say you are in love with a dog (or cat). Tell her how much you would like Fido to join in a threesome. Tell her
about your history of love of dogs. She'll bark at you, never pet your hot
dog, and never do it doggy style. She will put you in
the Dog House, and you are home free.
This technique is mentioned near the end, because it will probably hurt the girl's feelings. Girls generally do not want to interfere with another girl's happiness. For the survival of the species, Mother Nature organized a woman's psychology so that a female will not make it harder for a potential baby to be supported, by trying to take away the bread winner. However, this might back fire, making her pursue you more (Fatal Attraction).
Let the attached girl know you will be at a public place, such as a coffee shop or a park. But don't invite her. Then be there with your new girl friend. The attached girl will probably go to see you anyway, and end up seeing see you both, and get the message. However, there still may be a few crazy girls who will keep pursuing you anyway. Even crazier girls may harass your new girl friend, so be careful.
TIP: If she sees you with a more beautiful, younger girl, then
she will feel inferior, heart broken, less confident, and less able to find a
new man..
But if you can find some fat or ugly girl to be seen with, then she will feel superior to her,
laugh at you, think you are an idiot, and move on more easily.
TIP: It can help if the girl she sees you with has cancer or some handicap. This will get her to be more sympathetic towards your new lady and leave you both alone.
Getting another girl pregnant is rather extreme, but very effective. Mother Nature has programmed women to not interfere with a baby's life and family. If your girl friend is not pregnant, perhaps a photo with a pillow in her stomach will help.
As a last resort, you may have to get married, to get her to let go. Most (sane) women will understand that marriage is sacred, and important to the evolution of the human species, and will move on.
Some relationship coaches advise getting a Stay Away Order if a woman is stalking you. Do not ever do this. Only wussies do that. Do not ruin the girl's future by giving her a police record that may hurt her job possibilities. Also, she will have to pay thousands in attorney fees. Her only crime is having good taste in men. So take responsibility. You have not done your job to be repulsive enough. Try the above techniques first. Only in extreme cases, if the girl is a U.S. Marine and stronger than you, should you consider calling the cops. The top 6 techniques are safe for all, and a lot of FUN!
IronMap.MP4 (27 mb)
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